Calling all pup lovers! Paw Patrol in a roll and they could be coming to a city near you! Last week, my husband and I surprised Z by taking her to see the Paw Patroller and a few pups at a local Toys R Us!
The whole event was completely free and so much fun. There were a few activities for all the kids to do (all Paw Patrol related of course!) and then there was a photo area to meet the pups. Skye, Marshall, Chase, and Rubble were there to happily meet and greet all the little Paw Patrol lovers.
The event was organized so well and it was seriously fun for the whole family. We couldn't believe our shy little girl ran right up to Chase and Skye for hugs and high-fives! She was absolutely beaming with excitement! My husband was pretty excited about the Paw Patroller and it was so cool to see in person!
Be sure to check out the Paw Patrol website to see if they are coming to a city near you at their website:
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