Monday, August 5, 2013

Glow Stick Bath!

I've been trying to think of new activities for Baby Z because sometimes I feel like we're in a rut. So when I was at the dollar store last week, I picked up some glow sticks. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, I just knew that I'd think of something.

Well, bathtime is Baby Z's favorite time of the whole day. She has homemade bath crayons (I'll make a post on that later!) but I thought it would be nice to change it up a bit. So, as I was getting Baby Z ready for a bath, I decided it would be fun to pull out a few of those glow sticks and throw them in.

She LOVED it. She went crazy over them. I turned off the bathroom light and we just played with the glowsticks in the dark. She also loved that she could take them out of the bath with her and play with them until bedtime.

During the bath, we talked about the different colors and we hid them in toys to see what bath toys glowed and which ones hid the light. After the bath, I got her an empty paper towel roll and she really enjoyed putting them in that! Baby Z is such a girly girl that I think her favorite part was when I turned them into bracelets and she wore them around her wrist.

Actually, I think her favorite part was that she could take the glow sticks out of the bath with her. She absolutely loved carrying them around the house and figuring out new ways to play with them!

Some of the best toddler activities truly are the most simple ones.

Please note: Glowsticks are made for children 3+ and you should supervise your children at all times with them. They can break and they have small parts. And IF YOU ATTEMPT THIS, PLEASE BE SMART ABOUT IT! Crack the glowsticks yourself and make sure there are no leaks in them before putting them into your child's bath and NEVER break the glow sticks open and dump the liquid in the water (yes, people have done this before), they have glass and chemicals in them!


  1. What a great idea. I am going to pass this idea along to some of my friends.

  2. Love this, I didn't realize you could use them in water. This is a fabulous idea. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is a terrific way to make bath time a little more fun. My kids love glow sticks and now you showed us another fun use for the glow sticks.

  4. It's always nice to find a way to make an everyday activity different and exciting. I also appreciate the warning at the bottom to check the glow sticks. We once had one with a crack and I was so glad I checked it before "cracking it" to turn it on.


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